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Overtime Charges

Author: James Chang 463 views

Overtime charge has different rates. We assume the monthly salary at $a and hourly rate $b=a/30, then:

1. Overtime on working days

Overtime HoursOvertime Charge Rate (c)Charge Hours(d)Overtime Payment(e=bcd)
<2 hours on working days1.34 * bactual overtime hours1.34 * b * actual overtime hours
2~4 hours on working days1.67 * bactual overtime hours1.67 * b * actual overtime hours

2. Overtime on rest days

Overtime HoursOvertime Charge Rate (c)Charge Hours(d)Overtime Payment(e=bcd)
<2 hours on rest days1.34 * bactual overtime hours1.34 * b * actual overtime hours
2~8 hours on rest days1.67 * bactual overtime hours1.67 * b * actual overtime hours
8~12 hours on rest days2.67 * bactual overtime hours2.67 * b * actual overtime hours

3. Overtime on regular leaves

Overtime HoursOvertime Charge Rate (c)Charge Hours(d)Overtime Payment(e=bcd)
<8 hours on regular leavesb8 hours (fixed)b * 8
8~12 hours on regular leaves2 * bactual overtime hours2 * b * actual overtime hours

4. Overtime on holidays

Overtime HoursOvertime Charge Rate (c)Charge Hours(d)Overtime Payment(e=bcd)
<8 hours on holidaysb8 hours (fixed)b * 8
8~10 hours on holidays1.34 * bactual overtime hours1.34 * b * actual overtime hours
10~12 hours on holidays1.67 * bactual overtime hours1.67 * b * actual overtime hours
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